Real World Reliability requires constant communication through technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT). To meet these requirements, Versa is promoting field-proven Diagnostic Feedback Options. The same tried-andtrue valves Versa had always offered are now available, with the addition of key modular components, with the added
capability of intelligence through the use of strategic sensors.
In combination with our extensive valve options and the ever-expanding
IIoT technologies, these developments offer users endless opportunities to
engineer intelligent systems. Our Remote Sensor Port (-20) option is one of
these options. When a spool valve’s solenoid is energized, it lifts a poppet
to allow air pressure to the piston, providing the force to shift the valve.
Simultaneously, a 1/8” NPT port, connected to the pilot
chamber, receives pressure. This port can be fitted with
pressure sensors of various kinds for a wealth of diagnostic
feedback information focused on the solenoid operation
Month: August 2022
The Canfield Connector’s GT Gatormate Series consists of our 2 Pin and 3PIN, injection molded, Deutsch Type Connectors.
The connectors are over-molded to enhance connection performance and ensure that high stress or vibration will not cause unintentional disconnection.
Enidine’s HERM (High Energy Rope Mounts)
Enidine developed the HERM (High Energy Rope Mount) Isolator for NAVY cabinet isolation and rafted deck systems. They have successfully passed barge testing and reduced shock inputs to levels compatible with COTS equipment.
The HERM mount is an effective vibration isolation systems solution for cabinets, platforms, rafts, cradles, canisters, and shipping containers requiring a shock, vibration, and structure-borne noise isolator.
In addition to electronic cabinets, the HERM can successfully be used on other vibration isolation systems offering protection for radar systems, weapons, and vehicles. Any application needing vibration isolation systems offering protection over a wide deck frequency range could benefit from this highly engineered product.